Posted by Elana Janson on June 04, 2014 at 14:42:21:
In Reply to: Re: A meteor shower never seen before posted by Martin on June 03, 2014 at 08:19:58:
Unfortunately in the space of a post on this Forum I cannot recap everything that has been written in my books and on this website.
What is important in 2014 is that what has happened since 1996 (when I believe I was given insight into the time span in which the symbolism of Revelation takes place) that we have seen UNBELIEVABLE SIGNS OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND EARTHQUAKE. These signs of climate change and earthquake correspond with what I believe was made known to me in 1996 – THAT WE ARE NEAR THE END TIME and what is said in Revelation.
The insight that has been given me has convinced me that those who interpreted Revelation in the past misunderstood the symbolism of Revelation. They thought that everything that was said was all about great destruction in the end time. You also seem to believe this at this point in time where you say that “the sun is still shining”. I believe Revelation gives insight into why the Return wil be as a thief. The signs of the end time will be there but we will not notice because we have been misled by what is described by the 'beasts'in Revelation.
The opening of the first four seals of Revelation is about past history and the last three seals have to do with what God wants us to know about the final season, which is the short season, that according to my understanding started in 2003 and 2004 with the great Sumatra Andaman earthquake on 26 December 2004. After that great earthquake there were the many great earthquakes that followed in the years after 2004 that I have so often listed on this Forum.
It is with this insight that I am at the present time just indicating that we are living in a time that could correspond to the opening of the sixth seal because we do not know what time span is indicated by the words “and” in Rev 6:12 and 13. I am therefore considering in my post on the meteor shower that these could relate to what we have seen in the time since 2004 - because I believe that the insight given me into the book Revelation indicates that what is hidden in the symbolism actually takes place AT A CERTAIN TIME. This is the message that I believe was given me through the Divine intercession.
Therefore I indicated that the UNUSUAL meteor shower in May 2014 was significant because it came at the time of total lunar eclipse (April 2014) and because 2013 was the year of the comet and many meteor showers were seen and will still be seen in 2014. My total understanding of Revelation is that we are in the final short season and we are seeing signs of the end time. It could be that the opening of the sixth seal spans the time of the whole final short season. It could be that the opening of the sixth seal indicates the beginning and the end of the final short season. I am taking all possibilities into account and putting it on this website because I believe I was instructed by God to do so! If you are happy and content with the type of general interpretation that you give in your post that has no specific link to time then so be it.